 Mr. Michael Chiu       | AppliancZ Vietnam JSC

General Committee Members
Mr. Frederick Burke    | Baker & McKenzie (VN) Ltd.
Mr. Albert Chan         | Viet Tien Tung Shing Corporation
Mr. Barry Chan          | Goodtop Knitters Ltd.
Mr. Calvin Chan         | International Minh Viet JSC
Mr. Cherish Chan       | Hager Electro Ltd., Vietnam Rep. Office
Mr. Anthony Cheng    | The Hong Kong Chiap Hua Group
Mr. Sumit Dutta         | HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd.
Mr. Alan Kan             | Lake Side Hotel
Ms. Winnie Lam         | KCS Hong Kong Limited
Mr. Michael Lin          | Op3 Design Construction Company Ltd.
Mr. Ronald Nam         | Tung Shing Group Inc.
Mr. Geoffrey Paul       | Epic Designers Vietnam Limited
Ms. Erica Peng          | Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.
Mr. Water Sung         | Orient Star Logistics International Ltd.
Mr. Danny Tse          | Hanoi Hotel
Mr. Fred Wong          | Long Victory International Ltd.
Mr. Jackie Yau          | Arup Vietnam Limited

Honorary General Committee Members by invitation (without voting):
Mr. Lo Kwok Luen    | Sun Wah Properties (Vietnam) JSC
Ms. Shirley Wong    | Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Furthermore, our Immediate Past Chairperson Ms. Stella So will automatically become a Member of the General Committee upon the retirement based on our HKBAV Constitution’s article 22 (e)


The extraordinary General Committee Meeting will be held on January 8, 2014, if you have any issues to raise at this meeting, please feel free to send in writing to our HKBAV Secretariat, we'll include them into the Agenda for discussion.

Besides, the 2013 Chairperson’s Report and Treasurer’s Financial Report [Audited by KPMG Limited Vietnam] have been delivered to the present Members during the Annual General Meeting.

The Statement of receipts and payments for the period from 1 November 2012 to 31 October 2013 was unanimously approved by all Members present. Please contact our Secretariat if you wish to have a copy, we’ll send it to you via email.

The Christmas buffet dinner, live band’s performance and lucky draw have lighted up the atmosphere in the event after the reports.

Taking this occasion, we'd like to express our sincere thanks to the wonderful prizes’ sponsorship from our Members as below:

Last but not least, if you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at or

Thank you for your kind attention.
Best regards,
HKBAV Secretariat

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